Haiku Summer
Within the pages of P.J. Reed’s gorgeous collection, Haiku Summer, you will find a magical selection of haiku which will transport you to the halcyon days of summer in the northern hemisphere.
Summer is a happy season of warmth and friendship. It is the smell of BBQs - of sausages sizzling and smoke wafting across the streets. It is the sound of parties, glasses chinking, and people laughing. It is water fights in the garden and slowly deflating blow-up pools, gradually filling with grass and leaves. In Haiku Summer, P.J. Reed has captured the very essence of summer.
This beautiful book of poetry will give you a happy memory of summer for every day of your life.
Available from all good bookshops.
Haiku Summer
abandoned feather
flutters on the haying grass
memory of doves
alone sea watching
white waves sweep in and leave a
shiny pebble gift
The Reviews
A fascinating and highly individual review 5* review of 'Haiku Summer' I found on Goodreads. To be honest, I would find Indian summers fascinating and would love to write a collection of haiku from India :)
'A couple of reasons I may not like Haiku Summer were stacked up against it before I even started reading the first poem. For starters, P J Reed creates this dreamy version of summer in Devon that is hard for me to relate with. Summers are hot and humid in India, huddled together with frequent power cuts and high electricity bills (yes, even after all those cuts). Then there is this sense of lethargy, I so despise, that often takes over, making me want to do nothing but sleep in the afternoon. Adding to my dislike for summers is the fact that I am not a fan of poems.
But here’s the thing.
Of all the different kinds of poems there exist, haiku is what I like the best. They are short, have a Japanese origin (a bit of a Japanophile here), and leave plenty of space for individual interpretation. As for Haiku Summer, P J Reed brilliantly managed to transport me to Devon (her inspiration), where the warm months are more vibrant and visually attractive. Her poems are subtle when they need to be and direct at other times. It’s often not difficult to picture what led the author to write the haiku, and considering she manages to do that in three lines says a lot. Adding to the book’s charm is the little introduction to haiku at the end.
The small chapter talks about the origins of the art form. There’s another chapter that provides tips on how to write haiku. Although I went through the book in one sitting, it’s a little gem that I can see myself opening from time to time. During these re-readings, I hope to give each haiku more time. By doing so, I not only wish to travel again to a different part of the world but also use these poems as initiators for an introspective journey that might help make me love Indian summers,' Raghav, India.
Paperback Information
Available in Paperback and
eBook formats.
Publisher - Lost Tower Publications
Published May 2021
ISBN 139781731233561
Available from
'I absolutely LOVED this book. When you read the haikus you can actually envision the smells and feelings of summer. You can even see what the author sees. At the end of the book is the history of the haikus.
A vrey interesting history. You also have a glossary to help you understand what some words are. I would love to read more if P.J. Reed books. when they are available,' by CP.
'Haiku Summer takes us on a journey of all that is summer. The very essence of summer.
Captivating! Intriguing!
The smells, the feels, from sunrise to sunset.
Magical! Joyful! Peaceful!
Read and allow your soul be enhanced by this vibrant season of warmth! Enjoy!' Margaret