'The Haiku style of poetry within this volume is truly mesmerising. I opened the first page not knowing what to expect and my experience of reading this collection can only be described as bringing an alien in from the cold. The collection has personally inspired me to explore this sub genre of poetry.
Although the poems are short as the Haiku style usually is P.J. Reed ignites the imagination with the rich visual imagery contained within her verse and the way in which the words knock together creating sparks.
A Recommended Read!' by Daniel J. Robertson
Haiku Ice
'Haiku Ice is a thought-provoking collection of imaginative, visually stunning haiku from the contemporary English poet P.J. Reed.'
Haiku Ice is the fourth part in my series of haiku collections exploring the four different seasons. Each collection explores how the different seasons affect the woods, fields, hedgerows, plants, and animals which inhabit the beautiful Devonian countryside.
Above all, Haiku Ice is a celebration of winter.
This collection explores the magical transformations, discoveries, and interactions with nature as winter tightens her grip over the sleeping landscape. The world in winter is an enchanted place. I do not think there can be anything more magical than watching snow fall by candlelight listening to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.
Winter is also the time of solitude and reflection as people and animals shelter from the cold and a wintry quietness settles on the frozen countryside. I read my poetry at many events and one of the major pieces of feedback I have received was that people were fascinated to hear the story behind the haiku. Therefore, scattered throughout this collection are my reminiscences of how some of the following haiku were written.
Above all, Haiku Ice is a memory of my Devonian winters. Pictures of winters recorded as haiku for everyone to experience and enjoy.
Available from all online bookshops.
Buying Information
Available in Paperback and Kindle format.
Publisher - Lost Tower Publications
Published February 2016
ISBN 13 - 978-1523871308
Available from
Haiku Ice
after the night storm
collage of ripped leaf and twig
lies beneath my feet
a patchwork of sky
greying clouds sewn together
with seams of sunlight
'I loved the book!! It's a little bit different from what I have read in the other book I have read of hers. This book has little stories of how the haiku came about. I thought it was a cute addition to the book. As always the haikus were a lovely read. It actually made me miss the snow I had in New York. Now that I am in Tennessee there is no snow. Loved the haikus. If you love reading haikus then thesis the book for you!!' SMD